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Das UHER 4000 Report Monitor

Das UHER 4000 Report Monitor war dann das letzte bei UHER - aber bereits unter der ATIS/Assmann Federführung - gebaute Magnetbandgerät mit offenen Spulen (open-reel). Irgendwie wollte keiner so recht glauben, daß diese Zeit der Spulen- Bandgeräte einfach vorbei war. Das alte UHER Werk in München war bereits geschlossen und dieses letzte Modell wurde in Buchbach weit draußen vor den Toren Münchens gebaut.

Übrigens waren die Japaner von TEAC/TASCAM bis weit über 1986 genauso ungläubig. Der Verkauf bei UHER war ja so drastisch eingebrochen, noch durch das UHER 630/631 Desaster gefördert, daß UHER nicht mehr alleine lebensfähig war. Schaun Sie mal auf die letzte Seite dieses UHER Monitor Prospektes : Das "Head Establishment" wohnt noch in München 80 "im oder beim Registergericht". Der Service sei jetzt in Bad Homburg und produziert würde in Buchbach am Ende der Welt. Also richtig vertrauensvoll oder gar seriös klang das für uns Deutsche Kunden nicht mehr.

Und dann kam auf einmal eine Hamburger Firma "UHER Hamburg" auf den Markt und bot billigsten Taiwan Hifi-Schrott an. Das verwirrte die überhaupt noch übrig gebliebenen Interessenten und das war der Todesstoß in dem bislang etablierten Semi-Profi-Markt. UHER Magnetbandprodukte wurden dann von Assmann/ATIS in Bad Homburg "beerdigt.


UHER München bewirbt auf Englisch:

4000 Report Monitor AV
4200 Report Monitor
4400 Report Monitor

Die wirklich ansprechende Frontseite suggeriert also immer noch, UHER sei in München die nach wie vor alte allen bekannte Bandgeräte-Firma. Daß der ehemals große Haupt-Standort - also die eigentliche UHER Fabrik - bereits aufgelöst war, wird natürlich nicht aufgeführt. Buchbach ist nämlich eine kleine Fabrikation draußen im bayerischen Wald.

New Hi-Fi Tape Recorders: UHER REPORT MONITOR

Uher's new REPORT MONITOR tape recorders are the outgrowth of continuous research and the logical further development of one of the most formidable recorders in open-reel tape history: Uher's REPORT (over 800,000 in use at present). The new MONITOR models meet the highest professional demands both in technology and in facilities.

  • Anmerkung : Es waren mehr als 1 Million UHER Reports. Doch man wollte es nicht an die große Glocke hängen, daß sehr sehr viele über Österreich die Fluch hinter den eisernen Vorhang angetreten hatten. Auf dem Gipfel des von den Russen besetzen Brocken (Harz) wurden nach 1989 ganze Lastwagen voller UHER Reports abgefahren.

Their legendary forerunners in REPORT genealogy became famous as rugged open-reel decks that would operate with absolute reliability even under the most adverse conditions. Indeed: with its REPORT line, Uher has uncontestably produced the most interesting open-reel recorders in their class. Now with new functional design, UHER REPORT MONITOR machines symbolize the very latest in open-reel technology and are even faster, truly easier to operate than their illustrious predecessors.

For the 1980's, Uher presents its REPORT MONITOR 4000 AV, 4200 and 4400 recorders.

The three versions of UHER's new REPORT MONITOR differ from the legendary UHER REPORT through eight innovations in basic technology:

  • O Three-head decks with switching for "off-tape" monitoring
  • O Record level control through new easy-to-read peak-level meters
  • O LED function indicators
  • O Integrated power supply at mike socket for condenser microphones
  • O Meter illumination with automatic time switching
  • O Fully electronic amplifier switching
  • O Playback amplifier with balanced input
  • O Buffer battery operation with inserted storage battery while amplifier is connected to UHER Power Supply Unit/Battery Charger Z124A1.Upon mains power fall-out, the inserted battery automatically assumes the task of delivering the power supply. When mains power is restored, the battery is switched to recharge once again.

Moreover, Uher's new REPORT MONITOR machines have a new, functional appearance with a specially designed front panel and a larger reel-viewing window "topside". Needless to say, the new models also have built-in tape-tension regulators and offer a choice of four tape speeds. UHER REPORT MONITOR recorders are designed for both portable and stationary use. They, too, possess the compact dimensions for which the REPORT is so famous, have rugged, non-warping casings of diecast aluminium and a clear arrangement of connecting sockets.

The drive system:
With literally decades of its proven reliability, angle drive has been retained for capstan drive. A tiny, rapid-run rotor can thus drive the unusually thick capstan (10 mm in diameter). So the new generation of Uher's REPORT recorders is guaranteed the same smooth operation, is just as shockproof as its forerunners. Stability of tape movement has been further improved by a new sophisticated head-mount construction.

Uher 4000 Report Monitor AV

The successor to 4000 REPORT IC that, for years, has provided outstanding service to legions of radio reporting teams all over the world. And this professional aspect has given rise decisively to the improvements now to be found in the new model. The halftrack mono record system of the MONITOR AV assures hi-fi recordings of truly high quality. The switchable ALC may be set to take over the task of level control for recording either speech or music.

The maximum playing time of a 13cm (5") reel is 12 hours! For the "pro's" among amateur film-makers, Uher has now included a pulse track as a standard feature of the 4000 REPORT MONITOR AV. And there is also a connacting facility for a film camera or a projetor. It is standardized in format and wiring and may, consequently, be easily used with a number of different film cameras and projectors.The connecting lead from the camera may transmit the control pulse to the recorder during actual record.

The same pulse may then be used to trigger the projector on playback of the film. In other words, lip-sync sound recording and playback are a cinch to make with this machine. Better still, with only slight adaptation UHER 4000 REPORT MONITOR AV may also be used for motor-control equipment that works on the backward control principle. Like their predecessors, the stereo models of the new REPORT MONITOR series may also be used for sync sound recording for films, but only in mono operation as the right channel is needed for the sync pulse.

Uher 4200/4400 Report Monitor

The perfect portable deck for making hi-fi stereo recordings of high quality, with separate-channel level controls and meters plus master pot. With their performance specs and features, they are not only practical tape recorders for reporters on the go: each also makes an ideal component for a "stay-put" hi-fi system.

UHER 4200 REPORT MONITOR is equipped with a half-track system (maximum recording time 12 hours) while UHER 4400 REPORT MONITOR has a quarter-track system with a maximum playing time of 24 hours. And both models may be used for synchronizing slides and film.

Head Mount

The tape head mount for UHER 4000 REPORT MONITOR machines was developed with greatest care and is manufactured according to the strictest specifications. Its sturdy diecast construction permanently maintains tape-head adjustments as factory-set with the latest precision instruments.

The use of hard Permalloy makes extremely low wear a certainty. The very fine lamination of the record and playback heads insures excellent tone quality. A genuine double-gap ferrite eraser increases erasure performance to a point that practically cannot be measured.

Uher Accessories for UHER REPORT models

PSU/Battery-Recharger Z124 A1
Lead Storage Battery "Pb" Z212
Nlcad Storage Batter "NC" Z214
Carrying Case, black leather Z524
Carrying Case, "Professional all-cowhide Z526
Metal Reel, empty, 13-cm (5") Z 813
Special Cleaning Kit Z172
"Akustomat" Start/Stop Switch F 413
Slide Projector Control "Dia Pilot" F 423
Stereo Mixer "Mix 500" A 125
Stereo Mixer "Mix 700" A 126
Car Connecting and Battery-Recharge Lead (12 V) K715
Car Connecting Lead (12 V) K717
Car Radio Connecting Lead "Mono" K524
Car Radio Connecting Lead "Stereo" K525
Dynamic Reporter Microphone with Start/Stop Switch M518
Mike Extension Lead K134
Stereo Dubbing Lead K541
Mono Dubbing Lead K511
Telephone Adapter A 261


Professional carrying case for all UHER REPORT MONITOR recorders. ONTARIO all-cowhide. Carrying straps with two layers of cowhide leather sewn together, adjustable length. Compartments for tape recorder, leads, mike, accessories and spare tapes. Compartments lined with velvet. Tape recorder may be operated while in the carrying case. Openings on side of case for plugging in connecting leads. A large flap on case for opening recorder cover to change tapes. Colours: light brown, natural

Z124 A1

Universal power supply unit and battery-rechargerforall UHER REPORT MONITOR models. Supplies stabilized operating power for the tape recorder and assures smooth, uninterrupted operation even with strongly fluctuating mains power sources. Recharger electronics for fast, economic recharging of lead and nicad storage batteries and for reliable prevention of overcharging.

Z121 Mains Power Supply Unit and Battery Charger external for mains-powered operation of equipment and for recharging storage batteries Z 212 and Z 214. Power supply: 220 V, 50-60 Hz.

Z122 Mains Power Supply Unit and Battery Charger external as Z 121, but power supply 110 V, 50-60 Hz.

Z 212, Z 214

Z 212 (lead) and Z 214 (nickel cadmium) storage batteries - each with a capacity of 3 ah - make UHER REPORT MONITOR always ready for operation, independent of mains powering. Recharging may be from mains current with PSU Z 124a1 or from a 12V car battery with connecting lead K715.

Z813 (ALU-Spulen 13cm)

Professional reels should be used with a professional machine. The lightweight Z813 aluminium reels are unodized for high wear-resistance and precision-tooled to guarantee excellent concentricity. As many know, non-concentric reel movement impairs the wow and flutter of a tape recorder. (Z813 reels are not supplied with recorder.

  • Anmerkung : Der Spruch mit den ALU-Spulen für Professonals stand nie für mobile tragbare Geräte. Dort spielte jedes Gramm eine Rolle und vor allem der Stromverbrauch beim Anlaufen und Umspulen war deutlich höher durch die höhere Masse der beiden ALU-Spulen. Die BASF hatte ihre 13cm Professional Bänder für das UHER Report immer mit Kunststoff-Spulen ausgeliefert.


Performance Specifications

Technical Dates for UHER Report Monitor Series
All technical specifications conform to German test standard (DIN) for magnetic tape recorders.
Tape Speeds:
19 cm/s (71/2 ips) 9.5 cm/s (33A ips) 4.7 cm/s (V/b ips) 2.4 cm/s (15/ie ips)
Max. Spool Size: 13 cm (5")
Frequency Response (DIN 45500):
19 cm/s: 20-25.000 Hz
9.5 cm/s: 20-16.000 Hz 4.7 cm/s: 25-13.000 Hz 2.4 cm/s: 25- 6.000 Hz
Speed Deviation: less than ± 1.5%
Wow and Flutter (DIN 45507):
19 cm/s less than 0.15% 9.5 cm/s less than 0.20% 4.7 cm/s less than 0.25%
Generator Frequency: 100 kHz
Technical 4000 Report 4200 Report 4400 Report
Dates Monitor AV Monitor Monitor
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (weighted ace. DIN 45500):
19 cm/s (7V2 ips) 9.5 cm/s (33A ips) 4.7 cm/s (V/8 ips)|better than 66 dB

better than 64 dB better than 57 dB|66 dB 64 dB 57 dB|64 dB 62 dB 56 dB
|200 Q|200 Q|200 Q
|10 kQ|10 kQ|10 kQ
Phono:|50 mV - 20 V|50 mV - 20 V|50 mV - 20 V
|470 kQ|470 kQ|470 kQ
Power Consumption:|approx. 2.5 W at6V|approx. 3 W at6V|approx. 3 W at6V
(WxHxD) 28,5 x10 x23.5 cm
Weight: 3.6 kg



  • Distribution and service:
    Industriestr. 5 • Postfach 2443 • D-6380 Bad Homburg Telefon 06172/125-0 • Telex 410597 uherm d
  • Head estabiishment:
    D-8000 Munchen 60 • Registergericht: Munchen HRB 62075
  • Production:
    D-8251 Buchbach, Landkreis Miihldorf/Obb.


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© 2003 / 20254 - Copyright by Dipl. Ing. Gert Redlich - Tonbandmuseum Filzbaden / Germany - Impressum und Telefon - DSGVO - Privatsphäre - Zum Flohmarkt
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