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350 - Line of Professional Audio Recorders

Hier werden in einem Prospekt aus 1963/64/65 die Varianten der Modelle 35x und die ähnlichen professionellen Produkte beschrieben.

Der Prospekt ist sehr ausführlich, sodaß viele gleichartige Modelle mehrfach aufgeführt und bebildert werden. Das verwirrt schon ein wenig, wenn es dann doch immer dieselben Laufwerke nur mit anderen Kopfbestückungen und anderen Bandgeschwindigkeiten sind.

Ampex demonstriert damit eine unglaubliche Vielfalt, doch eigentlich sind es alles die gleichen 351er Chassis (=transports).





Professional recorders designed for continuous duty operation in exacting applications. Heavy-duty, direct drive hysteresis synchronous motor and two torque motors. Push-button, relay-solenoid operation permits using optional, full-remote, plug-in control. Reel size selector switch adjusts tension. Individual electronics panels for each channel; input selector switch for low-Z mike, unbalanced or balanced bridging inputs. Big 4 in. VU meter has selector; reads input, tape level bias and erase current. Separate record and play amplifiers permit monitoring while recording.


15 in/sec. 30-18,000cps ±2db Over 55db Under 0.15 32 minutes
7 1/2in/sec. 40-12,000cps ±2db Over 55db Under 0.15 1 hour 4 min
3 3/4in/sec. 40-8,000cps ±2db Over 50db Under 0.25 2 hours 8 min

BASIC SPECIFICATIONS : Complete specifications are available from your Ampex authorized representative.

TIMING ACCURACY - ±0.2% or ±3.6 sec. in a thirty minute recording
POWER REQUIRED - 2.7 amp, 117 Volts AC *On NAB 10 1/2" - 2400 ft. reels (full-track)

Prices include all necessary power supplies; record and playback amplifiers, erase, record and playback heads; interconnecting cables; matching input and output connectors; one 10 1/2" NAB reel; operation and maintenance manual.


Professional audio recorders that tap new world-wide programming sources - bring new world-wide recording markets to your studio door. The Ampex Universal 351 Series provides your choice of CCIR or NAB equalization standards and operates well within specifications on any of the world's standard line voltages. It assures recording or playback strictly to the specifications of either of the world's two equalization standards. Choose either CCIR or NAB equalization instantly - precisely - simply by turning the selector switch on the master control panel. With both world-wide equalization standards instantly available for recording or playback, your studio can record programming for overseas release - play back tapes recorded anywhere in the world.


Plays recorded tapes for professional applications; perfect for transcribed radio programs; theatrical and studio use as well as in educational institutions. Playback functions are identical in reproduction quality to Model 351 recorder. Available in full-track, half-track, and two-channel stereo models.

Specifications are the same as Series 351 equipment except that no recording electronics are provided. 352 Reproducers are supplied with playback heads only.


The new Universal 352 is designed to meet those critical professional applications where a playback-only machine is required. Playback performance is identical to the Universal 351 recorder-reproducer.

Parts are interchangeable with the Universal 351, and the Universal 352 operates over the same range of input line voltages as the Universal 351.

Specifications are the same as Universal 351 equipment except that no recording electronics are provided. Universal 352 reproducers are supplied with playback heads only.


Two-speed, two-channel; sets a new standard in 10 1/2" reel recorders. Famous Series 350 tape transport plus new, compact 2-channel electronics permits console, rack or 2-case portable mountings. Front panel access to electronic alignment. "Record-safe" switch opens record circuit; prevents accidental erasure. Record selector permits half-track, stereo or parallel track monophonic and sound-on-sound recording. Push button relay-solenoid operation; may be fully remote controlled. Unbalanced bridge inputs. Separate 2-track erase, record and playback head stacks permit monitoring while recording. A-B switch on each channel. Single and 2-channel head-phone jacks.


Eine ganze Seite mit weiteren Ampex Tapeecorder Produkten.
(* Detaillierte Specs solle man bei Ampex anfragen.)


The Ampex 601 professional portable recorder/player gives full professional quality in recording and reproducing sound, with the utmost in convenience and portability.

Features of the 601 include:

low impedance output; instantaneous starting that accelerates to full play mode in less than one-fifth of a second; top plate that withstands exceptionally-hard use in any recording environment. The 601 Series is available with half-track, full-track, or stereo heads, in 50 or 60 cps frequencies, and with tape speeds of 3% or 7y2 ips. Saddle tan case is made of rugged Samsonite for easy portability.


Unexcelled performance verified by continued domination of these units in the professional master recording industry. Available in single or multi-channel models (2 to 8 channels), up to three equalizations (NAB, CCIR or AME), and a variety of mountings.

Rigid unit assembly virtually eliminates flutter and wow; massive flywheel, precision capstan drive and long tape path assure no skewing. Starts and stops instantaneously. Fast/slow start switch permits "on" and "standby" capstan motor operations; provision made for remote control.

Precision head alignment assures perfect playback of multi-channel recordings with minimal phase shift between channels. Exclusive "Sel-Sync" optional feature provides switching to convert any of the heads to serve as temporary playback while others are still recording; permits sound-on-sound recording and other special effects. Available in frequencies of 50 or 60 cps, and with tape speeds of 7l/2 and 15 ips.


Duplicates high quality tapes at low cost in either single or mass production runs. A full system using a double-track master and ten slave recorders can reproduce in 8 minutes the material that would require 20 hours using two standard recorders.

  • Anmerkung: ein ziemlich durchsichtiger und dummer Vergleich. Mit 10 Slave-Bandgeräten wären es auch nur 2 Stunden anstelle 20 Stunden.

Provides simultaneous duplication of both tracks of a double track tape. Identical quality of the duplicated material is assured once the proper duplicating level is determined.

Features include: Simultaneous control by master panel of all components; pushbutton start; full speed attained in 5 to 10 seconds. Master unit and each slave equipped with full controls. Produces 1200 hours of playback material in an 8-hour work day. Runs master tapes "backward" to eliminate need for re-winding duplicates before using.


Compact professional mixer for two-channel stereo and monophonic recording. Unique four-position switching facilities normally found only in studio consoles. Four mike preamps and two program amplifiers permit high level mixing and switching to feed channel A, B or both.

When both channels are fed, the source is split equally to both outputs as required for "center solo" stereo recording techniques. Six inputs: Four low-Z mike and two high level unbalanced bridging with facility to mix any four at one time. Optional, balanced bridge plug-in transformers available. Two outputs: 1 volt normal; 30 volts max., unbalanced to bridging input.

Magnetic Tapes

Ampex 400 Series (Mastering) and 600 Series (Professional Audio) Magnetic Tapes offer to users the world's finest recording tapes. The 400 Series gives greater dynamic range — 4 to 8db wider; superior high frequency overload characteristics; lower print through. Ampex 600 Series is engineered to meet the requirements of the most discriminating tape users. Both Series are available with DuPont Mylar or cellulose acetate base, in a variety of lengths and thicknesses.

Ampex Geäte kaufen durften Sie bei :


  • AMPEX INTERNATIONAL S.A. 1, Rue des Pilettes Fribourg, Switzerland
  • FAR EAST BRANCH - Room 201, Rediffusion House - Gloucester Road - Hong Kong, B.C.C.
  • LATIN AMERICAN BRANCH Ponce de Leon 1064 Santurce, Puerto Rico
  • AMPEX AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. - 8th Floor, NRMA House - 26 Ridge Street - North Sydney, N.S.W., Australia
  • AMPEX OF CANADA LTD. 1458 Kipling Avenue, North Rexdale, Ontario, Canada
  • AMPEX GREAT BRITAIN LTD. 72 Berkeley Avenue Reading, Berkshire, England
  • AMPEX INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS, INC. - Box 4000 - Redwood City, California, U.S.A.

AI-39 Printed in U.S.A.

- Werbung Dezent -
© 2003 / 20254 - Copyright by Dipl. Ing. Gert Redlich - Tonbandmuseum Filzbaden / Germany - Impressum und Telefon - DSGVO - Privatsphäre - Zum Flohmarkt
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