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. . . sind diese Museums-Seiten hier gedacht, denn viele wissen nicht mehr oder noch nicht, wie es damals angefangen hat und wie das wirklich funktioniert mit den Tonband- und den Magnetbandgeräten aus alter Zeit. Viele Bilder können Sie durch Anklicken vergrößern, auch dieses.

Was ist an dieser Zeitschrift so besonders herausragend ?

Die Zeitschrift "audio record" wird von einem Hersteller von sogenannten "record blanks", also "Schneidfolien" für Schallplattenaufnahmen herausgegeben, also nicht von einem Verlag. Und die "audio record" begann im Juli 1945, als ein Teil des 2. Weltkrieges gerade so rum war, aber der Pazific-Krieg noch andauerte. Diese Firma mußte sich dann notegdrungen (und vermutlich auch widerwillig) mit der deutschen Entwicklung des Magnetophons befassen, denn es war für einigermaßen kluge Manager abzusehen, daß das Magnetband die Platte irgendwann (also in wenigen Jahren) überrunden würde. Dabei hatten diese Nazi-Deutschen doch eben erst den Krieg verloren und jetzt  macht deren "Vermächtnis" einer US-Firma das Leben (den sicher geglaubten Goldesel) so schwer. Die allererste US-Magnetbandgeräte- Liste erschien in der letzten 1949er Ausgabe, und die steht noch im Hifi-Museum.


Die US-Bandgeräte-Galerie aus einem US- Katalog vom Oct. 1958

Ausgabe 1958-1959 - Published by AUDIO DEVICES, INC. - 444 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N.Y. - Our products :

  • oudiodiscs
  • audiotape
  • audiofilm
  • audiopioints

Es sind 24 Seiten ganz dicht bedruckt, und es ist erstaunlich viel Text dabei.

QUICK FACTS ON MAGNETIC TAPE RECORDERS (Additional information can be obtained by writing to the manufacturer)



935 Commercial Street, Palo Alto, Calif.

Continuous automatic tape reproducers for rack mounting.
Nach deren Aussagen baute Alto Fonic Rundfunk taugliche Abspielgeräte, die im laufenden Musik-Programm automatische Werbeeinblendungen vornahmen. Das große Bandgerät wurde mit einem mechanischen Timer angehalten und bekam von der Jingle-Maschine die Werbung zugespielt und wurde dann wieder gestartet. Und sowieso, 2.000.- Dollar waren auch in den USA damals wirklich viel Geld. Es entsprach etwa 8000.- DM und ein VW-Käfer kostete (bei uns) 4.990.- DM.


Model 450D with pre-amp $ 855.00

Model 450DA with combination pre-amp power amplifier and mixer $ 972.00

  • 50-10,000 cycles (±1 db) at 7½"/sec.
  • 50-15,000 cycles (±4 db) at 7½"/sec.
  • 50-7500 cycles (±2 db) at 3¾"/sec.

Add $30.00 for 7½ ips (inches per second)

Ampex-designed, proved, licensed. Plays dual track, pre­recorded, 8-hour tapes continuously. Plays 4 hours on one track, reverses automatically and plays 4 hours on the opposite track, reversing and repeating indefinitely. Signal-to-noise ratio -50 db. Simplest mechanism driven by one hysteresis synchronous motor and unique Ampex reel take-up system. Includes plug-in electronic section with positive metallic tape impulse automatic reversing. Exclusive reel change switch. Operates with variety of accessories including Ad Merchandiser. Model 45ODA, same as above except has combination preamp and 12 Watt high fidelity power amplifier with 4, 8, 16 ohm and 70-volt output. Individual volume controls for music, microphone, chimetone pager, Ad Merchandiser; master gain control and tone control. Receptacle for timers, microphones, low impedance transformer, and Ad Merchandiser.

ALTO FONIC Model 465

Model 465 Deluxe Console $ 1.191.-
Model 465 contains Ampex-designed Model 450DA. Completely automatic. Space for Ad Merchandiser unit in top control section exposed by lifting hinged lid. Master volume control and monitor volume control. Extended range monitor speaker in a separate enclosure within console. 37" high, 34" wide, 18" deep. Shipping weight, 161 lbs.

Model 466 $ 1.140.-
Model 466. The same basic unit as 465, in cabinet of Zolotone (no front panel). Master and monitor volume controls and automatic timer control. (T10). (Without T10 Timer, $ 1.095.00) Monitor speaker included.

ALTO FONIC Model 455

RACK SERIES Model 455-50WR $ 1.397.00
A typical rack installation including rack, 450D, monitor panel, T10 Timer panel, 50WR 50-watt high fidelity amplifier and blank panel. Other combinations are possible with the ad merchandisers, various power amplifiers, timers, chimetone, and voice paging.

Model 458 Dual Unit - Automatic intermix programming system $ 2.275.00
An automatic programming system for FM radio stations, wired music, community television networks, closed circuit systems, etc. Timers and silent sensing provides switching between any desired number of selections from each 45OD. Ad Merchandiser also can be used to insert announcements automatically.

ALTO FONIC Model 480


  • Model 480 Ad Merchandiser $ 345.-
  • Model 482 (Price on request)
  • Model 483 (Price on request)

50-7500 cycles (±2 db) at 3¾"/sec. Provides for automatic insertion of a series of announcements one at a time, between musical selections, with builtin silent sensing. Playback only. Selector switch permits selection of 1 to 10 musical selections between ads. Switch provides for monitoring cartridge without affecting background music. Easy to change snapin Cousino cartridge 1 to 28 minutes. Larger cartridge provides up to one hour. Mounts in top panel of Alto Fonic consoles, or in drawer of rack systems. Meets all specifications of 450 unit. Plugs into 450DA.

Model 482 is same as Model 480 but selfcontained and automatic. Play back only. Heavy duty. Cousino cartridge for any length announcements totaling 2 to 60 minutes. Self contained 3 Watt amplifier and speaker. High impedance output available for other amplifier! External switch will trigger start or builtin timer may be set for time intervals from 5 minutes to 1 hour.

Model 483 is same as 482 with playback/record combination including microphone and level indicator. Grip to talk switch controls recording.



Division of American Electronics, Inc. 9449 West Jefferson Blvd. Culver City, Calif.



  • Model 31, full track recorder............$ 695.00
  • Model 32, half track recorder..........$ 695.00
  • Model 33, stereo recorder................$ 995.00

Modification ST, to full track, half track and two channel stereo........$ 204.00

  • 50-15,000 cycles (±2 db) at 15"/sec.
  • 50-12,000 cycles (±2 db) at 7½"/sec.
  • 50-6,500 cycles (±2 db) at 3¾"/sec.

All Series 30 models have following features:

Two-speed direct drive hysteresis synchronous motor and two torque motors; 3 heads with provision for 2 more; 4½" VU-type meter; 2-channel input mixer; A-B test fader for cueing/editing switch. Instant speed selection of 15" sec. and 7½" sec. or 3¾" sec. and 7½" sec. Signal to noise, 55 db by proposed NAB Standard (full track). Total harmonic distortion, 2% at zero VU. Total flutter and wow, less than 0.1% rms at 15"/sec., 0.2% at 7½" sec. Fast forward and rewind, less than 60 sec. for 2500 ft. High impedance microphone input and unbalanced bridging input. Output impedance, cathode follower, 600 ohms with plug-in transformer.



  • Model 61 $ 495.00
  • Model 62 $ 595.00
  • Model 63 $ 695.00

(Cases for above $ 60.00 extra)

  • 30-15,000 cycles (±2 db) at 15"/sec.
  • 40-12,000 cycles (±2 db) at 7½"/sec.

All Series 60 models have the following features: two high-speed torque motors with positive self compensating braking system. Direct hysteresis synchronous tape drive for 99.8% accuracy. Torque control switch and concentric playback level control. Fivepushbutton control. VU type meter. Tape speeds are 15" sec. and 7½" sec. or 3¾" sec. and 7½" sec. Signal-to-noise ratio is 45 db at 7½ ips single track, 50 db at 15 ips single track. Wow and flutter is 0.15% rms at 15 ips, 0.25% rms at 7½ ips Bias frequency is 100 kc.

Model 61 is half track record/playback.
Model 62 is half track record, with half track, full track and stereo play­back. Model 63 is full stereo record/playback.


312 Seventh Ave. New York 1, N. Y.


Model G255/SP Geloso "StenOtape" Portable Recorder $ 179.95

  • 60-10,000 cycles at 3¾"/sec. - 80-8,000 cycles at 1⅞/sec.

Imported (from Italy) dual track recorder and dictating / transcriber. Speeds: 1⅞ sec. and 3¾" sec. Four push-button controls for record, fast rewind, playback and stop. Uses foot pedal and finger-tip "remote" controls ($19.95 each) for instantaneous start, stop and back space. Automatic erase and correction. Operates in boat or auto with Inverter. "Glo-light" recording level indicator. Special adjustment for line voltages between 110 and 240 AC. Can play up to 128 minutes. Transparent lucite cover for dust pro­tection. Preamp output for hi-fi system. Extension speaker jack. Many accessories available. Dimensions: 5½" x 9" x 5". Weight: 7½ lbs.

(4) AMPEX CORPORATION (professional)

4 Charter St. Redwood City California

AMPEX CORPORATION (professional) Model 300 C

Model 300 C Console Tape Recorder $ 2.250.00

  • 30-15,000 cycles (±2 db) at 15" sec.
  • 40-15,000 cycles (±4 db) at 7½" sec.
  • (and ±2 db 40 to 10,000 cycles)

Professional-type, single-track, dual-speed recorder operating at 15" and 7½" per second. Signal-to-noise, over 60 db by NAB standards. Instant start and stop. Flutter and wow, less than 0.1% at 15"/sec. Rewind time 1 min. for 2400-ft. reel. Timing accuracy, ± 0.2%. Push button controls for start, stop and record - may be remotely operated. Separate long-life, plug-in heads for erase, record and playback. Other features as on Model 351 below. Also available for portable or rack mounting. Available only on a factory-direct basis.

AMPEX CORPORATION (professional) Model 351

Model 351 Console Tape Recorder $ 1.475.00

  • 30-15,000 cycles (±2 db) at 15" sec.
  • 30-15,000 cycles (±4 db) at 7½" sec.
  • 50-7,500 cycles ( 2 db) at 3¾" sec.

Professional-type single or dual-track recorder with tape speeds of 7½" and 15" or 3¾" and 7½". Signal-to-noise, 60 db (single track) or 55 db (dual track). Flutter and wow, less than 0.2% at 15 "/sec. Instantaneous starting. Rewind time 1 min. for 2400 ft. reel. Timing accuracy, 4 0.2%. Features new "plugin" printed circuits, new lownoise input stage, new plus 8 output, new internal power supply, and "depopped" recording controls. Pushbutton controls for start, stop, fast forward and rewind. Independent record and playback systems permit monitoring input or tape during recording or playback. Also available for portable or rack mounting.


a subsidiary of Ampex Corporation 1020 Kifer Road Sunnyvale, Calif.

"Caprice" Uncased
Model 902 $ 449.50
Model 952 $ 595.00

"Caprice" Portable
Model 960 $ 650.00
Model 910 $ 495.00
Model 2510 Stereo system $ 849.50
Model 2560 Stereo system $ 995.00
Model 2010 Amplifier-Speaker $ 199.50

At 7½"/sec. 30-20,000 cycles (±2db) 50-15,000 cycles
At 3¾"/sec. 30-15,000 cycles (±2db) 50-10,000 cycles

Model 960 is a two-speed, stereo recorder that includes sn exclusive combination halt-track and tull-tiack erase head to permit cither stereo recording 01 halftrack recording. Plays back half-track, full track, 2-track steteo and 4-track stereo tapes, and has an automatic stop mechanism. Signal-to-noise, better than 5 5 db below peak record level at 71/2". sec. and 50 db at 3%"/sec. Flutter and wow, under 0.2% at V/i'/aec. O.llf, at 3?-i("/sec. Rewind time, less than 90 sec for 1200 tt Inputs: high impedance line 0 4v rms tor program level, high imped ance microphone Playback output greater than 0.75 mis into high impedance load Weight: 58 lbs Model 91n is same as above except tor two-speed, ha'f-track monaural record. Plays back 2-track stereo. 4-track stereo, halt track and tull track Model 2510 stereo •system includes Model 9111 and two speaker-amplifiers (2010) Model 2560 stereo system includes Model 960 and two ?peaker-amphhers (2010)

Model 601 Portable Tape Recorder $ 595.00
Model 620 Amplifier-Speaker $ 189.50
Model 601-2 2-Track Stereophonic Portable $ 995.00

30-15,000 cycles (±4 db) at 7½"/sec. (±2db 40 to 10,000 cycles)

Portable, professional-type single-track or dual-track recorder with 7½" tape speed Takes up to 7" reels. Signal-to-noise, over 55db. Flutter and wow, below 0,17%, Starting and stopping time, less than 1/5 second. Fast forward and rewind, 90 seconds tor 1200 ft. Timing accuracy ±0.2% for 30 Minute recording. Separate record and playback amplifiers Separate erase, record and playback heads VU meter, independent level controls tor microphone and line Weight, 28 lb.

Model 601 tape transport with two modified 601 electronic chassis. Full-track erase, two-track record and two-track playback Signal-to-noisc. over 50 db either channel. Inter-track crosstalk re|ection, over 50 db.

"Crescendo" Console Music Systems 6500 Series $ 1.895.00
Other Consoles:
4000 Series from $ 549.50
8000 Series $ 2.650.00

Each Crescendo console includes a Model 960 stereophonic tape recorder- reproducer, described on page 3, plus: a Garrard 4-speed record changer with stereo/monaural diamond stylus pick-up, push-button Audio Control Center, Ampex 2-channel AM and FM stereophonic tuner, two matched Ampex amplifier speaker units consisting of twin 15-watt amplifiers and six speakers - a 12" bass, 8" mid-range and one omnidirectional high-frequency projector for each channel. Available in Contemporary Walnut, Traditional Mahogany, Contemporary Teak, French Provincial.


398 Broadway New York 13, N. Y. - (other models available)

"Magnemite" Portables

Model Speed in/sec. Price  
610-A 15/16 $ 275 300-2,500 cps
610-B 1 7/8 $ 225 100-3,000 cps
610-C 3 3/4 $ 255 50-5,000 cps
610-TD 7 1/2 $ 275 50-7,500 cps
610-SD 7 1/2 $ 295 50-7,500 cps
610-E 15 $ 335 50-15,000 cps
610-DM 5/16-7 1/2 $ 355 as above
610-EM 1 7/8-15 $ 395 as above

Completely self-contained, battery-operated portables with spring motor drive. Models 610-SD and -E, one track. Four speed models 610-DM and -EM, one or two track. All others dual track. Winding interval, J to 15 min. Motor can be rewound while operating. Indicator signals 30 sec. before motor rewind. Playback through headphones or external amplifier. Optional erase. Dimensions, 11" x 8" x 5" for 610-A and B; 11" x 10" x 7" for all others. Weight, 12 to 17 lb.

Weathertite "Magnemites"

(Add $30 to price of Std. Units) - All standard "Magnemites" available in weather-tight sealed aluminum cases with tongue and grooved edges and built-in neoprene gasket seals. Will successfully withstand severe environmental conditions. Satin finished case anodizcd to resist corosion.

VU "Magnemite"

610-AV|l5/l*|$365|300- 2,500 cps
610-BV|l7/s|315|100- 3,000 cps
610-CV|33/4|345|50- 5,000 cps
610-TV|7V*|365|50- 7,500 cps
610-DV|7Vi|385|50- 7,500 cps
610-EV|15|425|50-15,000 cps
Completely self-contained battery-operated portables with spring motor drive. 610-DV and EV are single track - others, dual track. Winding interval 3 to 30 min., depending on tape speed. Motor can be rewound while operating. VU meter for measuring record level, output level, "A" battery and "B" battery. Playback through earphones or external amplifier. PM erase optional at extra cost. High and low level inputs. Output impedance, 50,000 ohms. Incoming signal can be monitored by VU meter or earphones. Dimensions, 6 1/2" x 9 1/2* x 14". Weight, approx. 19 lb.

"Flyweight Magnemite"

310-A|l5/l*|$340|300- 2,500 cps
310-B|l7/s|290|100- 3,000 cps
310-C|33/«|320|50- 5,000 cps
310-TD|7'/7|340|50- 7,500 cps
310-SD|7'/2|360|50- 7,500 cps
310-E|15|400|50-15,000 cps

Portable, battery-operated electric motor driven recorders with single tape speed. Models 310-SD and 310E are single track, others dual track. Max. reel size, 5". Rewind time, 2 min. Earphone monitor and playback. No erase. PM erase available as optional feature. Powered by 5 replaceable mercury batteries. Dimensions, 51/2" x 9" x 12". Net weight: 8 lb.

"Secret Recorder"

210-B|1%|$349|100- 3,000 cps
210-BC|l7/s 33A|$369|100- 3,000 cps 50- 5,000 cps
Hidden in zipper compartment of briefcase, operates anywhere on dry cell batteries. Hidden microphone and concealed start-stop clasp switch. Dual track, single or 2-speed recorder operates on replaceable batteries. Maximum reel size 5". Rewind time, 2 min. Earphone playback. No erase. PM erase available as optional feature. Weight complete, including briefcase, 11% lb.

"Magneloop" Continuous Loop Tape Recorder

535-B|1%|$345|50- 2,500 cps
535-C|33/4|365|50- 7,500 cps
535-D|7'/7|385|50-10,000 cps
535-E|15|405|50-15,000 cps
536-B|17s|$495|50- 2,500 cps
536-C|33/4|515|50- 7,500 cps
536-D|7V*|535|50-10,000 cps
536-E|15|555|50-15,000 cps
Designed to record and play back any messages, musical programs or sound effects up to 60 min. in length on cartridge-loaded endless loop of std. J4" tape. Automatic erase. Push-button start and stop, switch or relay remote control. Electronic-eye recording level indicator. Microphone and bridging inputs. Output impedance, 600 oh ms. Output level, +6VU. Headphone monitoring. Standard rack panel mounting or custom rack cabinet. Size, 19" x 8" x 9". Weight, 24 lb.


611-C|3 3/4|$355|100- 3,000 cps
611-D|7 1/2|395|50- 7,500 cps
611-E|15|435|50-15,000 cps
Portable, stereophonic battery-operated spring-motor recorder. Mechanically similar to 610 series. Two separate channels for stereophonic recording. Independent gain for each channel. Can be monitored with binaural headphones while recording. Optional P.M. erase. Input impedance, 1 Megohm. Output impedance, 50,000 ohms. Size, 8" x 11" x 10". Weight 17 lb.

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© 2003 / 20254 - Copyright by Dipl. Ing. Gert Redlich - Tonbandmuseum Filzbaden / Germany - Impressum und Telefon - DSGVO - Privatsphäre - Zum Flohmarkt
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