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1962 - die Japaner kommen und keiner hat's gesehen ?

Ich, der Autor gr, war gerade mal 12 Jahre alt, als die Japaner sich aufmachten, die Welt zu erobern. Es war außerdem nur etwa 16 Jahre her seit den beiden Atombomben und der katastrophalen Niederlage nach dem 2. Weltkrieg. Auch in Japan war fast nichts verschont worden. Doch sie haben sich aufgerappelt, mit eisernem Willen und einem enormen Fleiß, der durch eine unerwartet bewunderungswürdige Flexibilität ergänzt wurde. Sie haben fotografiert wie die Teufel, was es auf der anderen Seite der Welt zu sehen und zu bestaunen gab, wohin 99% der Japaner vor dem Krieg nie hingekommen wären, auch der Sony Chef Akio Morita nicht.

Und dann machten sie sich auf, mit eigenen Erzeugissen den Weltmarkt umzukrämpeln. Der Sony Chef war ein Vordenker und auch der Vorreiter für diesen Weg. Sein Credo war nach seinem ersten USA Besuch Mitte/Ende der 50er Jahre: Der Markterfolg wird in den USA "gemacht", nirgendwo sonst auf dieser Welt. Und wir Deutschen haben gelächelt, über die kleinen Männlein überall mit den Knipsapparaten, die komischen Geräte mit dem komischem Design und überhaupt. Wer konnte uns schon angreifen.

Ein SONY Prospekt aus Jan. 1962

Dieser einseitige Prospekt aus 1962 zeigt erst mal die schon recht weit gediehenen Produkte des sich abzeichnenden japanischen Marktführers SONY.

Natürlich war der auf Englisch und erst mal für den amerikanischen Markt.

SONY 777 All Transistorized Professional Tapecorder
(ein echtes 3-Kopf- und 3-Motoren Gerät!!)

An outstanding achievement in professional tape recorder engineering, the all-transistorized Model 777 is an exciting 2 speed (7-1/2 & 3-3/4 ips) professional monophonic recorder. The 777 contains a built-in 10 watt amplifier and monitor speaker complete with remote control, dual track, 3 heads up to 7" reel. Ideal
for professional recording.
Other impressive features include: hysteresis-synchronous drive motor plus 2 separate motors for take up and rewind, full solenoid push button operation, remote control unit for all functions, and modular military type plug-in transistorized electronic circuitry.

SONY Model 362B

New full fidelity deluxe Sony 362B provides very top performance in every respect. Precision mechanism with heavy duty synchronous hysteresis motor assures years of dependable operation. 3 speed, dual track. Single function selector. Speeds: 7-1/2, 3-3/4 and 1-7/8 ips. Recording time: 1 hour continuously and 2 hours overall with 1200ft. tape. Response; 40-15,000 cps 7-1/2 ips. Output: 2.5 watts. Wow & Flutter: Less than 0.3%. S/N Ratio: better than 50 dB. Magic eye, level indicator. Tone Control. Four separate input for mic, radio-TV-phono with push-button Input Mixer-selector. Tape Index Counter. Monitor earphone Jack and monitor on-off switch. Output Jack for external speaker, external amplifier etc. Rigid two tone gray case; 16-7/8" x 8-1/8" x 14-3/8". Weight: 34.1 lbs. Complete with SonyF-SB dynamic microphone.

SONY Model 103

Exciting new compact Tapecorder with built-in transistor radio tuner for instantaneous recording of radio problem with the listening enjoyment. 2-speed. dual track, single control function selector. Speeds: 7-1/2 and 3-3/4ips. Recording time 1/2 hours continuously and one hour overall with 1200 ft. tape. Response 50—8000 cps at 3-3/4 ips; to 11,000 cps at 7-1/2 ips. Output: 2.5 Watts. 4"x6"PM speaker in front. Recording level meter. Two input jacks for Mic and radio-TV-phono. Output jack for external speaker, external amplifier etc. Monitor on-off switch. Radio Receiving Frequency 535 Kc—1605 Kc. Two tone gray case: 14-9/16" x 6-11/16" x 12-3/16". Weight: approx. 22 lbs.

SONY Model 464

Exciting new 4 track 2 channel universal purpose tape recorder which provides two tape recorders' function in one compact unit, two channel separate recording facilities and channel exchange speaker switch provide many applications such as stereophonic recording and playback (with an external amplifier and speaker), sound with sound, sound on sound (trick) recording for language and music lessons. Instantaneous 7-1/2 or 3-3/4 ips speed selection, separate magic eye level indicators, tape index counter, tone control. Complete with dynamic microphone.

SONY Model 521 4 Track & 2 Track Stereophonic Recorder

The ultimate in tape recorder engineering ... the Model 521 is the audiophile's and music lover's most wanted tape instrument. It's complete versatility of 4 track and 2 track stereophonic and monophonic recording and playback, instantaneous 7-1/2 or 3-3/4ips speed selection, dual V.U. meters, bass boost switch for low level listening, head shifting mechanism for precise 4 and 2 track head alignment, hysteresis-synchronous motor and automatic tape lifters, are features matched only in the highest priced professional studio recorders.
The Model 521 is a complete tape recording and playback system with built-in stereo pre-amps, stereo recording amplifiers, stereo playback monitor amplifiers, dual stereophonic speakers and two F-7 dynamic microphones.
No additional electronics or speakers are required for full range monophonic or stereo recording and playback of professional quality.

SONY Model 262

Advanced-design recorder embodying all the features necessary for high performance in compact size. Offers 2-speed, dual-track operation. Single control function selector. Speeds: 7-1/2 and 3-3/4 ips. Recording Times: 1/2 hours continuously and one hour overall with 1200ft. tape. Response: 70—10000 cps at 7-1/2 ips. Output: 2 watts. 4"x6"PM speaker. Tape index counter. Instant Stop. " Fan Type" magic eye level indicator. Tone control, two input jacks for mic, radio-TV-phono. Output Jack for external speaker, external amplifier or monitor earphone. Two-tone gray case, 15" x7"xll". Supplied with Sony famous F-3B dynamic microphone, Sony PY-7, 7" 1200 ft. tape, R-7, 7" reel. Weight: 22 lbs.

SONY Model 111 Tapecorder

The world's first quality tape recorder at a popular price. Trim, rugged and beautifully styled in two-tone colors, the Sony Model 111 is a complete 2 speed (3-3/4 and 1-7/8 ips) dual track monophonic recorder with true high fidelity reproduction. Features include: built-in amplifier and speaker, recording level indicator, interlock to prevent accidental erasure, separate inputs for recording from microphone and radio, and provisions for connecting a large external speaker. Complete with microphone and flight-type carrying case.

SONY Model 101 Tapecorder

An AC powered bantam transistorized dual track monophonic recorder. Light weight and compact with full 7" reel capacity, it is ideal for those who require low cost high fidelity reproduction. Imposing features include: 2 speeds, (7-1/2 & 3-3/4 ips) VU meter, automatic tape lifter, record safety lock button and dynamic microphone. An outstanding value in a quality tape recorder.

Magnetic Tape - Uniform Quality - Top Performance

* " PY " Series (standard length)
All Purpose, Cellulose Acetate Base
PY-3A 200 ft. 3" (8 cm) Dia.
PY-5 600 ft. 5" (13 cm) tf
PY-6 850 ft. 5-3/4" (15 cm)
PY-7 1200 ft. 7" (18 cm)
* " MY " Series (long play) Extra Play, Polyester Base
MY-3 260 ft. 3" (8 cm) Dia.
MY-5 900 ft. 5" (13 cm)
MY-7 1800 ft. 7" (18 cm)

SONY Speaker System Model SS-80

Handsomely styled two-tone grey compact Speaker System especially designed to match Sony Sterecorder Model 521. Full range 8 inch co-axial dynamic speakers permit reproduction of exciting realism with direction and depth in sound. Frequency Range: 40-18000 cps. Dimensions: (1815/i6" x 15" x 11")

Ovale Billiglautsprecher mit Frequency Range: 40-18000 cps

Man kann stundenlang darüber streiten, ob diese Dinger wirklich 40-18000 Hz wiedergeben können, doch für die Amis war das ok. Und für den vermuteten Preis müssten unseren Deutschen Herstellern die Haare zu Berge gestanden haben.

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