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. . . sind diese Museums-Seiten hier gedacht, denn viele wissen nicht mehr oder noch nicht, wie es damals angefangen hat und wie das wirklich funktioniert mit den Tonband- und den Magnetbandgeräten aus alter Zeit. Viele Bilder können Sie durch Anklicken vergrößern, auch dieses.

Das Oki-Modell-555 im Jahr 1965

OKI war uns bisher nur aus dem EDV Druckerbereich bekannt.

Doch auch die OKIs bauten irgendwann mal Tonbandgeräte. Viel ist zur Historie nicht heraus zu bekommen. Manche Japaner wollen diese nicht sonderlich erfolgreiche Vergangenheit lieber ignorieren (oder wegwischen).



Und das waren die typischen Werbesprüche für Amerikaner

die USA Anzeige
das Modell 111

Before you decide which tape recorder to buy, read this ad:

1. Are you buying a recorder with the finest stereo sound reproduction?
The best way to find out is to compare the sound of tape recorders at your dealer. While you're there, ask to listen to the new OKI 555 solid state stereo tape recorder from Japan. Its exclusive 4-speaker systems will surround you with the finest stereophonic sound. Its quality will compare with instruments selling for up to twice the price.

2. Will you be able to carry it easily? Most tape recorders claim to be portable. But did you ever try to lift one? The OKI, on the other hand, is truly lightweight and portable. Even a child can lift it. It's the lightest complete stereo tape system in the world (less than 25 pounds).

3. Is it completely transistorized (solid state)? Many tape recorders still use tubes or a combination of tubes and transistors in their amplifiers. (Tubes heat and damage parts, the cause of most failures and costly repairs.) The OKI amplifier has no tubes. Only transistors. 27 of them. The OKI 555 solid state amplifier is a years-ahead achievement that assures the coolest operation, the greatest reliability and cleanest sound reproduction in a tape recorder.

4. Is it easy to operate? The OKI 555 delivers true professional sound quality. Yet anyone can operate it. It has simple push button controls. Complicated dials and switches have been eliminated,

5. Will your wife like the way it looks? She will if it's an OKI 555. The OKI is a slim and attractive instrument designed to look good anywhere in your home And to blend gracefully with any decor. Even with the decor of your office.

6. Is it backed by a guarantee? Rigid quality control (each recorder is custom tested) enables OKI to guarantee its tape recorders for 1 full year. YWant more information? Just send this coupon.

Chancellor Electronics Inc PB-264
457 Chancellor Ave , Newark,

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