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Das Dokorder 9050H 3-Motoren Bandgerät

Dieses 3-Motoren Bandgerät hatte sicherlich seine Qualitäten, jedoch sprach das Äußere unseren europäischen oder speziell den verwöhnten deutschen Geschmack überhaupt nicht mehr an. Da solche Geräte in ebay seit mehr als 10 Jahren nicht auftauchen, scheint es in absolut homöopatischen Dosen eingeflogen worden zu sein. Die soliden Hifi-Geräte von Setton sind da sehr ähnlich.

Dieser Dokorder Prospekt ist auch aus 1971 - wie der 1971er Flyer, als die Firma nach eigenen Angaben die ersten Bandgeräte entwickelt hatte. Das klingt übrigens sehr nach TEAC, als deren Väter um 1957 mit dem am japanischen Markt verfügbaren Angebot an 3-Motoren- Geräten nicht zufrieden war und selbst eines entwickelt hatten. So kam aber Dokorder 1971 bei uns hier um zig Jahre zu spät. Der Markt für diese Geräte und deren hausbackenem Aussehen war bereits verteilt.


Dokorder 9050H tape recorder and 9060H tape deck

Now  -  two professional studio type 4-track stereo tape machines - one, a tape recorder, the other a tape deck - available for your private use.

Unique in design, engineered to perfection and versatile in its adaptability, the Dokorder 9050H tape recorder and the 9060H tape deck represent a new high in 4-track stereo tape machines. The styling represents the latest in functional studio layout - the taping console and the overhead control panel. Its professional appearance with smart walnut paneling will make it a welcome addition to any home or studio ... whatever the decor.

High on your list of favorite features will be Dokorder's Automatic Continuous Reverse system, a very convenient and highly desirable function. Further convenience will be noted in the continuously controllable FF/FR speeds, computer type function controls, built-in demagnetizer and extremely simple one-hand tape threading features.

The professional quality of your recording technique will leap ahead with such advanced features as bias current adjustment control and no fewer than three highly specialized oscillators, including one for producing standard signals at 700Hz.

Other advantages are the ability to mix the MIC and LINE or the PHONO and LINE inputs; the Echo switch levels of left and right channels separately controllable; SOURCE/TAPE monitor switch; Sound-on-Sound and Sound-with-Sound recording capabilities and the remote control unit (available at option).

From an engineering standpoint, the use of three precision motors, the sophisticated tape transport mechanism, the tape tension changeover switch, the new and very advanced pause switch and the six separate, perfectly aligned heads will intrigue the most sophisticated taping enthusiast.


Coast-to-Coast Authorized Service Depots in the United States

  • Anmerkung : Das sind natürlich alles nur Werbeaussagen. Als Redakteur mit einem Überblick, was 1971 bereits auf dem Weltmarkt verfügbar war oder angeboten wurde, stelle ich erstaunt fest, die haben ja nicht mal die Prospekte in Japan gelesen, die dort von SONY, AKAI und TEAC verbreitet wurden.


Die besonderen Eigenschaften

Dokorder-Modell 9050H
Dokorder-Modell 9060H

To meet your particular needs, two machines that are identical with but one exception: model 9050H includes a built-in amplifier and speakers for independent usage, while model 9060H is designed to be tied in with your present speaker system.

Professional Recording and Playback Convenience

The Dokorder 9050H and 9060H models present the ultimate in professional studio styling. The horizontal tape console with related function switches is convenience itself. Before you at eye level are meters and control switches for easy reading and instant use. The ability to pre-set or program your intentions in advance and then walk away from it to attend to other needs will appeal to both professional and sophisticated amateur alike.

Bias Current Control

The high- and low-end frequency response of a tape recorder substantially varies with the thickness of the tape used. To allow controlling the frequency response in accordance with the kind of program material, to suit the type or thickness of the tape, or to suit the operator's personal taste, the 9050H/9060H is provided with a bias current control on the front panel - the kind found only on higher priced, professional tape recorders.

Three Oscillators

This is one of the professional features of the 9050H/9060H which make it stand in a class by itself. The three oscillators include one "lOOKHz unit for providing recording bias current, a unique 700Hz unit which produces standard signals for selecting the optimum bias current and visually checking the frequency response on VU meters, and another for the built-in demagnetizes

700Hz Oscillator

Models 9050H and 9060H incorporate a 700Hz oscillator which produces standard signals for use in making bias current adjustment. With full front panel control, this feature makes it possible to select the bias current which best suits program material on either channel.

Built-in Demagnetizer

Inevitable, slow magnetization of playback heads by tape will allow noise to creep in both at the time of recording and playback. Also, the recorder's high frequency response will be deteriorated. It is therefore necessary to demagnetize the heads from time to time. The Dokorder built-in demagnetizer does this job in seconds without additional equipment. Simply open the tape head cover, push the Play button for either direction, then push the DEMAGNETIZER button on the front panel for three seconds and the playback head for that direction will be completely demagnetized. Repeat this operation for the playback head in the other direction. Recorded materials on the tape will not be affected whatsoever by this operation. By using the built-in demagnetizer now and then, superior tone quality can now be permanently maintained.

Six Heads

Another outstanding professional feature of models 9050H and 9060H is the use of separate erase, recording and playback heads in the left to right direction and another set of similar heads in the right to left direction. All heads are quality, precision heads selected with utmost care for their high performance characteristics. Together, the six heads allow professional qualityrecording and playback in both directions.


Continuously Controllable FF/FR Speeds

With this advanced design, the fast forwarding and fast reversing speeds are continuously controllable. As you slide a graphic type control farther to the right, the fast forwarding speed increases. Slide it to the left, and the fast reversing speed accelerates. This permits fast forwarding or reversing a tape at a speed most suitable for the kind of tape in use. A 1,200-foot tape can be fast forwarded or reversed in less than 45 seconds by sliding the control to the maximum position.

Relay Controlled Operating Buttons

All the operating buttons - right direction Play, left direction Play, Stop and Record  - are operated by quality micro relays. Just like on the keyboard of a computer, this permits extremely easy operation by a very light touch of each button without producing unpleasant click noises.

Automatic Reverse ON/OFF Switch

The Automatic Continuous Reverse function is controlled by this switch. Set it in OFF, and the tape will automatically come to a complete stop at the end of its travel in either direction. Set it in ON, and the tape will be reversed as it reaches the end of its travel in one direction, played to the other end and reversed again, continuing to be reversed at each end until stopped by the operator. It offers a very convenient means of providing background music.

Three Motors

Three precision motors are utilized to drive the sophisticated tape transport mechanism: a reversible synchronous motor for driving the capstan, and a pair of high-performance capacitor motors for driving the reels. Synchronized completely for stable and smooth tape travel, they have dramatically cut down the fast forwarding time in both directions.

Tape Tension Changeover Switch

If the same holdback tension is applied to tapes of various thicknesses,a thin tape will soon begin to stretch. With Dokorder's new technique, however,a switch is provided to permit changing over the tape tension in two steps of NORMAL and THIN. Deterioration of tape quality due to stretching is thus prevented with a flick of a switch.

Automatic Continuous Reverse

Unlike many tape recorders that play a tape one way, reverse it and stop, the 9050H and 9060H continue to reverse it automatically in both directions until stopped by the operator, both in the playback and recording modes. All it takes to enjoy this advanced feature is a piece of sensing tape at each end of the tape.

Pause Switch

The newly designed pause switch interrupts both the recording and playback operation temporarily, when turned on, without affecting the related operating buttons. Unlike the conventional pause lever system, it permits the tape to resume its motion instantly and very smoothly, free from wow and flutter, when it is turned off. Still another advantage is that it completely frees the operator's hands. Most pause levers must be held by the operator.

Ball Bearing Tape Guides

The newly designed large tape guides located below each reel make use of a ball bearing in order to prevent tape wear, make the tape travel completely smooth to minimize wow and flutter.

  • Anmerkung : Kein Wort von einer Bandzugregelung. Diese vermeintlichen Fühler-Arme links und rechts sind - wie bei Akai, TEAC und fast allen anderen Japanern - primitive, rein populistische Schaustücke mit einer kleinen Zugfeder, die die Bandschleifen verhindern soll. Da wird nichts geregelt.

    Denn die Motoren waren die einfachsten verfügbaren Typen, die fast überall eingebaut wurden. Erst spät hatten auf einmal alle Spitzengeräte von AKAI und TEAC richtige Servo-Wickelmotoren oder Pabst Außenläufer, die man wesentlich feinfühliger regeln konnte - siehe Revox A77 von Anfang an. Auch das mit den Kugellagern hatte Willi Studer ganz anders benannt. Man brauche den Bremseffelkt eines Umlenkbolzens links von den Köpfen, um das Band abzubremsen und sachte zu spannen.


Center Capstan Drive System

Operating on the center capstan and pinch roller principle, the tape is "pulled" across heads evenly in each direction, free from wow and flutter.

TAPE/SOURCE Monitoring Switch

This convenient pushbutton control allows monitoring of both signals that are about to be recorded (SOURCE) and signals already recorded on tape (TAPE). Set to the SOURCE position, and the 9050H/906OH may be used as a public address amplifier.

Tape Cleaner

In order to prevent magnetic particles from the tape or dust from sticking on the tape heads, and to keep the contact between the tape and heads smooth and perfect, these models are provided with a tape cleaner in the tape path. This greatly helps to prevent the deterioration of the recorder's frequency response.

Other Features


  • Separate large VU meters for easier checking of recording and playback levels for the separate channels.
  • Monitor stereo power amplifier and a pair of 4" x 6" oval speakers built-in (Model 9050H only).
  • Built-in headphone amplifier.
  • Echo Switch  - left and right channels separately controlled.
  • Sound-on-sound and sound-with-sound recording capabilities.
  • Remote control of various functions. (Remote control unit available at option)
  • 4-digit tape counter and tape counter illumination lamp.
  • Operates on any power supply voltage in the world.
  • Professional appearance and construction.
  • Beautiful walnut panels.
  • Dust cover available at option.


Adressen : Denki Onkyo Co. LTD.

1099, Sasabori, Okamura-cho, Isogo-ku, Yokohama, Japan
26-11, 3-chome, Nishi-Rokugo, Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Box 2494 Main P.O. Culver City, Calif. 90230, U.S.A.


Recording system: AC bias, 4-track stereo/mono recording and
Tape speed: iy2 ips and 3% ips
Reel capacity: 7" or smaller
Frequency response: 20-21/000Hz at iy2 ips 40-15,OOOHz at 3% ips
Signal-to-noise ratio: Better than 50dB at iy2 ips
Crosstalk: 55dB
Wow and flutter: Less than 0.07% WRMS at iy2 ips
  Less than 0.12% WRMS at 3% ips
Equalization: NAB
Power requirement: AC 100, 110-117, 125, 200, 220 or 240V; 50 or 60Hz:
  160 watts
Bias frequency: 100,000Hz
Inputs: Microphone input jack Sensitivity: 1mV
  Impedance: 10 Kohms
  Line input jack Sensitivity: 100mV
  Impedance: 100 Kohms
  Phono input jack Sensitivity: 2.00mV
  Impedance: 50 Kohms
Outputs: Line output jack Output level: OdB (0.775V)
  Impedance: 3 Kohms
  Headphone jack Output level: 5mW
  Impedance: 8 ohms
Power output: Model 9050H 4 watts music power
Circuit complement: Model 9050H 35 transistors, 9 diodes
  Model 9060H 27 transistors, 8 diodes
Recording time 4-track stereophonic
(1,800-foot tape) l]/i ips 1% hours, 3% ips 3 hours
' 4-track monophonic
  7)4 ips 3 hours, 3% ips 6 hours
Fast forward and  
rewind time: Less than 45 seconds (1,200-foot tape/60Hz),
  with sliding control at maximum position.
Level indication: 2 illuminated VU meters
Heads: Six, 2 erase, 2 record, 2 playback
Motors: Three,1synchronous capstan and 2 capacitor reel
Weight: Model 9050H 55 lbs.
  Model 9060H 47.3 lbs.
Dimensions: Model 9050H17K"WX15/4"DX18>2"H
  Model 9060H17%//Wxi5Ji//Dx23%//H
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