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Ein schmales Heftchen : "DOKORDER Hifi COMPONENTS" (von der Funkausstellung 1971)

Im Nachlasss von BRAUN Chefentwickler Hasselbach sind viele dieser sehr raren uralten Prospekte von asiatischen Firmen, die man heute gar nicht mehr kennt. Über die ganz wenigen Dokorder- Anzeigen in deutschen Hifi-Magazinen muß man wirklich stolpern, ehe man die registriert bzw wahrnimmt.


  • Anmerkung : Der japanische Flyer (auf Englisch) ist dermaßen fehlerhaft und dilletantisch gemacht, daß ich ihn in der originalen Form erhalten habe. Die gröbsten (englischen) Rechtschreibfehler habe ich aber dennoch nicht stehen lassen können.
  • Jetzt folgen die lobhudelnden Sprüche, die leider in keiner Weise gestimmt haben. Viele der benannten Innovationen nehmen auch TEAC und AKAI und andere jeweils für sich in Anspruch.
  • Auf jeden Fall lesen Sie, daß Dokorder laut Prospekt nur die allerbesten Geräte hatte. Karl Breh von der Hifi-Stereophonie war nach einem vorläufigen Test ganz anderer Meinung und damit war das Produkt hier bei uns vom Tisch - und damit aus dem Sinn.


Hier der Original-Text aus dem Dokorder Flyer 1971

Welcome to the innovative world of Dokorder stereo components and systems. We're confident that after you review our product line on the following pages, you'll agree that ours is indeed an innovative world. One where man's knowledge of electronics is positively asserted in new product features, new designs, and a whole new standard in stereophonic craftsmanship and performance.

Chances are very strong that you may have already benefitted from our engineering. You see, we're the world's largest maker of precision television parts. We make deflection yokes, flyback transformers, convergence and vidicon yokes, and a lot more of the sophisticated parts that go into better color and black and white TV sets.

Since these parts are bought by TV makers all over the world, we may have helped you to enjoy your favorite TV programs over the years.

More than a decade ago we decided to put our electronic knowhow to work for consumers in a more direct manner. We began to make stereo equipment. It proved to be a good decision when our engineers rewarded us with Japan's first transistorized tape recorder in 1958.

Four years later, we followed up with another mild sensation: a 3-motor stereo tape recorder that automatically reversed itself in both recording and playback modes.

And in 1968, we perfected a stereo tape recorder with a built-in tape dubbing system, an innovation that we felt was long overdue.

Today, of course, we're one of the world's fastest-growing stereo makers. But it didn't happen overnight. We put in a lot of long, hard hours in trying to apply our knowledge of electronics to products that offered the consumer important features that other makers overlooked. We think we have succeeded.

After reviewing our full product line for yourself, we hope you'll agree.

Continuous Automatic Reverse

Developed and brought to perfection by Dokorder engineers, "Continuous Automatic Reverse" is now standard on many of our fine stereo tape recorder systems. Functioning in the recording as well as in the playback mode, it frees the operator from his "mother hen" role, lets him lean back and enjoy himself. There's no more anxious hovering to watch for tape ends or to reverse a reel. All that's necessary is to attach sensing strips to the tape ends. Then leave it to Dokorder.

Another distinct advantage of the Dokorder system over other revering systems is that we have closed the listening gap. With other systems, there is often a noticeable lag as the reversing process takes place. But Dokorder accomplishes it instantly. In split seconds. Recording or playback continue with virtually no detectable interruption. Another link in our unbroken record of superior stereo engineering achievements.


How original can you get? In tapes, thanks to Dokorder, as original as the original. With our exclusive Dub-A-Tape system, you don't copy tapes, you duplicate them. Precisely. Let's say you've spend hours recording and editing a given tape and you want to give a friend a copy. Or say a friend has a tape with some rare selections that you'd like to have.

Until now, such a copy could only be made with the aid of two tape recorders operated so deftly as to achieve complete synchronization. But even then, if the speeds, wow and flutter characteristics of the recorders varied, the copied tape would often sound noticeably different from the original.

But with the Dokorder Dub-A-Tape system, the copy tape is driven by a special mechanism built into the recorder itself, so that the copy produced has exactly the same speed, the same wow, the same frequency response characteristics as the original. In fact, it isn't really a copy at all. It's another original.

  • Anmerkung : Nur, das brauchte - zumindest bei uns in Deutschland - "fast" keiner. Diese Eigenschaft war überhaupt nicht gefragt und ich kannte viele Tonband-Fans und Freaks.



Four-story stereo. High-rise high fidelity.

This is Dokorder's new vertical approach to professional stereo, a unique system that sets four distinguished components in a stack for exceptional operating and space-saving convenience.

All components are engineered for superior performance and feature handsome black front panels. At the heart of the system is a fine Dokorder tape deck (Model 8020A) with famed Auto Reverse and Dub-A-Tapc systems. The power is supplied by a high-fidelity 100 watt stereo control amplifier (Model 8060A) with the most advanced integrated circuitry.

Next, is an AM/FM stereo tuner (Model 8070A) with exquisite FM sensitivity. Then comes a specially developed record player (Model DAC-8) with a moving magnetic cartridge and automatic record changer. In addition, a set of 3-way 4-speaker systems (Model SS-800) in handsome matching enclosures are provided. All components, of course, are designed for complete compatibility with one another. Innovative stereo from Dokorder. A value you can't afford to pass up.


DC-9000 Professional Fully Integrated Console Stereo System (Bild unten)

The innovative world of Dokorder continues with this striking professional console system. It consists of 4-track stereo tape recorder (sogar mit 3 Motoren und 6 Köpfen !!!) with such refinements as Dokorder's Automatic Reverse System, Current Bias Control, three motors and six heads. It is carefully designed for complete compatibility with the other components in the system: a 100 watt, IC-equipped power amplifier, sensitive AM/FM Multiplex stereo tuner, and a precision turntable featuring a belt-drive system and oil-damped arm lifting mechanism.


SS-9000 Matching 3-Way 5-Speaker Stereo Speaker Systems (Bild oben)

The SS-9000 speaker systems were designed to get the most out of the DC-9000 system. Capable of handling a full 80 watts in input, each enclosure houses five carefully selected speakers. Both console and speaker systems are finished in attractive rosewood.


4-Track Stereo Tape Recorder with Continuous Automatic Reverse and Dub-A-Tape System - mit 3 Motoren

Never before has any professional quality tape recorder been able to do so much or to do it as well as this attractive 4-motor, 5-head model. Styled in handsome black and walnut, the 8010A features Dokorder's unique Dub-A-Tape system for a whole new standard in tape dubbing quality. To make the most of its Continuous Automatic' Reverse feature, the 8010A offers automatic programming for Reverse, Stop and Repeat operations.

Other features include solid state circuitry, 12 watts in power output, twin 4"x6" "monitor" speakers, lockable pause control and complete compatibility with all other components in Dokorder's 8000 series.


4-Track Stereo Tape Deck with Continuous Automatic Reverse and Dub-A-Tape System - mit 3 Motoren

This one was designed for the enthusiast who already has a quality stereo system and has need for a tape deck with Dokorder's unique dubbing capability. Almost identical with the Dokorder 8010A in styling, dimensions and performance features, the 8020A comes without built-in monitor speakers and power amplifier. Like the 8010A, this handsome deck is completely compatible with other Dokorder 8000 series components, but it can be used to complete satisfaction in any top-quality stereo system.


Professional 4-Track Stereo Tape Recorder with Built-in 40 Watt Stereo Amplifier - mit 3 Motoren

In tape recorders, the Dokorder 9010V is as far as you can go in quality outside of studio recording equipment. Among its many professional features is a Bias Current Control which lets you control frequency response depending on program material, tape thickness or your own taste. Others include four oscillators, a built-in Demagne-tizer, six heads, three motors, Automatic Continuous Reverse system, continuously controllable Fast Forward and Fast Reverse speeds, special tape tension Changeover Switch and many others. To compliment the unit's big 40 watts in power output, Dokorder offers the matching SS-91 2-way 2-speaker speaker systems at optional cost.


Professional 4-Track Stereo Tape Deck with Bias Current Control - mit 3 Motoren

Identical to the Dokorder 9010V in all respects other than built-in 40 watt stereo amplifier, this unit is designed for the enthusiast who already has a stereo system. Among other features both the 9010V and 9020V share in common are: computer-type relay controlled operating buttons, newly designed pause switches, ball bearing tape guides, center capstan drive systems and fast 45 second rewind times for 1,200 foot reels of tape.


Studio-Type 4-Track Stereo Tape Recorder with Built-in Monitor Speakers - mit 3 Motoren

This striking recorder brings you the latest in functional studio layout—fingertip control of all taping functions on the taping console and the overhead control panel - another Dokorder innovative breakthrough. Featuring professional bias control, built-in demagnitizer, mixing, echo and Sound-on-Sound recording capabilities, Automatic Continuous Reverse and all the other important features of the Dokorder 9010V, this recorder has been specially designed for immediate and responsive control. High performing twin 4"x6" monitor speakers located in the overhead panel and built-in stereo amplifier make this unit an entirely independent recording system.


Studio-Type 4-Track Stereo Tape Deck with Professional Bias Current Control - mit 3 Motoren

Designed as a top performing recording addition to existing stereo systems, the Dokorder 9060H brings all of the highly refined features of Dokorder 9000 series components to you within the latest studio-type design format. It is identical to the 9050H in all features with the exception of built-in stereo amplifier and monitor speakers. An additional feature not to be overlooked in this and all other 9000 series components in a special tape cleaner which has been provided directly in the tape path. This cleaner greatly helps to prevent deterioration of the component's frequency response.


4-Track Stereo Tape Recorder with Built-in Monitor Speakers and Automatic Continuous Reverse System - mit 3 Motoren

For the enthusiast looking for most of Dokorder's 8000 and 9000 recorder series features in a more compact and moderately priced model, the 6010 is it. From its professional styled black front panel to such features as the Dokorder Automatic Continuous Reverse system, Automatic Programming, pushbutton direction changers with indicator lamps, responsive one-touch tape controls, double safety lock system and one-hand tape threading convenience, the 6010 is without peer in its price range. Designed for independent usage or for use in existing stereo systems, the 6010 is equipped with a 12 watt stereo amplifier and built-in 4"x6" monitor speakers.


4-Track Stereo Tape Deck with Dokorder's Famed Automatic Continuous Reverse System - mit 3 Motoren

Lacking only the 6010's stereo amplifier and built-in monitor speakers, this solid state tape deck brings to your stereo system high priced features without the high price you'd expect to pay for them. In addition to those features listed for the 6010, both models feature a lockable pause control that keeps both of the operator's hands free of the unit during pauses, both feature built-in stereo-phone amplifiers for private listening with headphones, each is equipped with a four digit tape counter and both arc housed in handsome walnut cabinets.

8080A - 8track

Solid State Stereo Cartridge Tape Player

Simplicity is the key to the design of this high-performing 8-track stereo cartridge component. There are only two controls on the front panel: a selector switch which allows you to choose any one of the four programs in a tape cartridge, and an Auto/Repeat switch which allows you to play all four programs consecutively or to repeat the same program over and over. Just insert a cartridge into the 8080A's dust-proof cartridge compartment, push the program selector button, using the indicator lamps as a guide, then program the unit's Auto/Repeat switch as desired.

8090A- CC Cassette Tape Recorder

Solid State Stereo (CC-) Cassette Tape Recorder

Cassette convenience and Dokorder quality are yours in this highly functional 8000 series component. Just insert your favorite pre-recorded stereo cassette tape and hear it better than ever before. Or, record your own stereo selections directly off the air (when the 8090A is used with models 8060A and 8070A), or make your own stereo recordings utilizing the 8090A's twin microphone jacks. Convenient pushbutton operation and professional VU meters optimum recording quality.


100 Watt Solid State Control Amplifier with IC Circuitry

This is the heart of all the components in the Dokorder 8000 series. Connect all the others to it and you have the world's most complete and versatile stereo system. Incorporating a pair of ICs for greater stability and lower distortion, the 8060A offers 100 watts in power output at 4 ohms, an exceptionally wide 15 to 50,000Hz power bandwidth and a harmonic distortion factor of a miniscule 0.5% at rated output. In addition, it offers six outputs and four inputs, a two speaker system selector, a power transistor protection circuit and easy to use controls, including the latest sliding graphic type for independent volume control of each channel.


Solid State AM/FM Stereo Tuner with FET Circuitry and Automatic Stereo Switching

Special silicon transistors and the latest FET circuitry combine to make this sensitive tuner at home in either highly congested signal areas, or in areas where signals are extremely week. Its long tuning scales, complete with spotlight dial and separate fine tuning meter, make both FM and AM station selection more accurate and convenient than ever. An advanced FM MPX circuit lets the 8070A switch from FM Mono to FM Stereo broadcasts automatically, and in the process, activates a stereo indicator lamp. For improved quality of broadcasts being received, the 8070A also features built-in muting and AFC circuits.

800X Receiver

World's Most Complete Stereo Receiver

200 Watt AM/FM Multiplex Stereo Receiver with IC and FET Circuitry. This is perhaps the greatest single value in all of stereo today. A 200 watt receiver with elaborate IC, FET and all-silicon transistor circuitry, the 800X features a "pull-out" control panel that houses Bass and Treble, Mode, Loudness, High and Low Filter, AFC, Muting and Speaker Selector controls. It also features pushbutton function controls and the latest graphic type for Volume and Balance. Altogether the 800X is capable of driving up to five speaker systems, plus all the other components that make up a great stereo system. In performance, the 800X is peerless. Check out the specifications for yourself.


Dokorder Compact Components

40 Watt Modular Stereo System with Built-in AM/FM Stereo Tuner, Turntable and Cassette Tape Recorder. Nowhere will you find a modular stereo system that is quite as complete as the Dokorder MS-301. In addition to a 3-FET Tuner section, 4-speed record changer and matching 2-way speaker systems, the MS-301 features a built-in stereo cassette tape recorder. With it, you can record FM stereo broadcasts directly off the air, you can tape your favorite stereo records, or you can plug in a pair of microphones and make your own stereo recordings. In addition to its unquestionable versatility, the MS-301 offers a big 40 watts in rich music power and is so compact that it is the closest thing yet to a portable stereo system.

  • Anmerkung : Das ist jetzt also das wirklich allerbilligste "Stereo", das man sich kaufen konnte. Billiger gings nicht, nicht mal bei SONY oder AKAI. ZumVerständnis - aus den 40 Watt Super Power IHF Leistung wurden auf einmal 2 x 6 Watt an 4 Ohm - wie gesagt, billiger gings nicht.


Dokorder SS Series Speaker Systems

Even the finest audio components will not perform up to specifications if they are not properly matched with equally good speaker systems. And Dokorder engineering assures that this will never happen to people who buy and use Dokorder products. Innovation and craftsmanship are an important part of each of the speaker systems in the Dokorder line. From the omni-directional SS-200 and SS-202, to the attractive SS-312, SS-310 and SS-308, there's a custom-crafted system for every stereo need.

  • Anmerkung : Zum Glück sind diese Lautsprecher bei uns nie aufgetaucht oder dann als Vogelkäfige benutzt worden. Unbestritten sind die ganzen geschnitzten Holzfronten (Grill) bewunderungswürdig, doch als Lautsprecher-Verkleidung waren die nie zu gebrauchen.


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